A 12 week 1:1 Intuitive Eating coaching program
Starts September 9th, 2024
For women who want MORE peace and LESS struggle
with food and their bodies
Diet-Free, Happy Me! is a group program for you if you’re a woman who loves warm bread and butter, and hates being told how much of it to eat. But because you also really value your health & well-being, you believe you actually do need to watch how much bread you eat… and butter you slather on. What?? That’s it??
And when you say “F**k it! I love bread and I deserve to eat as much as I want!” you always end up feeling guilty.
I'm gonna get fat!
And so the planning begins…
→ Hit the gym 4-5 days a week
→ Follow a diet/meal plan
→ Eliminate gluten
And so you DO 😃
Until you DON’T ☹️
Where’s the bread??
DFHM takes you through an Intuitive Eating journey. In these 12 weeks, you’ll learn to eat without all the mind drama because you want nothing more than to eat - whatever you want - in peace (even if the thought "eat whatever you want" feels terrifying right now)! And of course, feel confident making food choices.
Diet-Free, Happy Me! includes biweekly educational and interactive group coaching calls (6 total). Each call will focus on one or several Intuitive Eating principles where members will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their journey. Members will receive weekly emails (12 weeks on Mondays) with the week's Intuitive Eating topic. Emails will include a 1-2 page pdf, a short video, and worksheets (optional) explaining the concepts.
Embrace your inner foodie without guilt!
Do these sound familiar?
Te relaciones con estos?

You love good food but often find yourself feeling guilty for eating too much or the "wrong" foods?
Te encanta la comida pero te encuentras sintiendote culpable cuando comes demasiado, o las comidas "equivocadas"
You want to let go of weight loss desires, but find it really hard to accept your body. You still feel you'd be happier if you lost weight.
Quisieras dejar de querer bajar de peso, pero encuentras dificil aceptar tu cuerpo. Sigues pensando que serias mas feliz si bajaras de peso.
You care about health and feel you could be doing more to be healthier.
Valoras tu salud, pero siempre piensas que puedes estar haciendo 'mas' para seguir mejorando tu salud.
You feel out of control with your eating if you're not following some kind of plan
No te sientes en control de la comida si no estas siguiendo algun plan
You're unsure of what the 'right' way to eat even is anymore. So much contradictory information out there!
Ya no estas segura que significa comer bien. Hay mucha informacion!
You heard gluten is bad. You're not exactly sure why, but you might avoid it anyway.
Has escuchado que el gluten es malo. No estas muy segura porque, pero trataras de evitarlo igual.
You often plan to start eating better on Mondays.
Muchas veces planeas empezar la dieta el lunes
You "should" yourself a lot, "I should be exercising more", "I shouldn't eat out so often"
Usas "deberia" todo el tiempo, por ejemplo "Deberia hacer mas ejercicio", "Deberia comer menos azucar".
What if you...?
Ate with ease
Comer tranquilamente
Stopped believing that you need food rules or food plans in order to be healthy or in control of food
Dejar de creer que necesitas reglas alimentarias para sentirte en control de la comida y ser sana
Talked kindly to yourself
Decirte cosas amables a ti misma
Stopped believing that you'll be happier when you lose weight
Crear paz con tu cuepro
Stopped comparing yourself to others and started appreciating you more
Dejar de compararte y empezar a apreciarte mas a ti misma
Took a huge weight off your shoulders by putting an end to food, health and weight obsession
Dejar la obsesion con la comida, la salud y tu cuerpo
and redirected your energy and resources to things that bring you joy, fulfillment and pleasure!
y dirigieras tu energia hacias las cosas que te traen placer y alegria!
It's totally possible!
Que pasaria si pudieras...?

After 12 weeks you'll...

Feel more connected to your body's internal cues, for example:
understand the difference between eating when you're pleasantly hungry versus ravenous
you'll also recognize the barriers that keep you from being able to fully enjoy your plate of pasta
Learn how societal influences (i.e. diet culture) have contributed to shaping the way you think and feel about food and your body, and start to challenge these (beliefs)
Stop relying on food rules to feel in control of your eating, body and health, and trust your body (and yourself!) more
Stop hating your body and learn to feel neutral and more appreciative of your body instead
Eat and enjoy your favourite foods without telling yourself you "shouldn't" be eating them, and then feeling guilty
Have greater emotional awareness, and learn to use food less to soothe some of your emotions (because you'll be more in touch with the underlying emotions)
Embrace certain forms of emotional eating, like eating to celebrate, because you feel happy, have had a great week, etc., but you'll also have more compassion for yourself when you do eat for emotional comfort
Learn that health is broad and that diet is only one portion of overall health, so you'll stop needing to micromanage your diet
Learn to incorporate gentle nutrition so that you can eat in a way that nourishes your physical body, while enjoying all of the foods you love
Oh please tell me more! I would love to learn to eat my favourite foods without all the guilt that follows!
Weekly Topics
Week 1: Intro to Intuitive Eating
Week 2: Diet, Wellness Culture & Family Beliefs
Week 3: Hunger & Body Attunement
Week 4: Fullness & Satisfaction
Week 5: Food Rules & "Shoulds"
Week 6: Emotional Eating
Week 7: Body Neutrality
Week 8: Body Respect
Week 9: Make Peace with Food & Yourself
Week 10: Non Wellness-y Health
Week 11: Gentle Nutrition
Week 12: Living Intuitively

Video Sneak Peak
Week 2 - Diet & Wellness Culture
Intuitive Eating coaching may NOT be for you if...
You are actively pursuing weight loss
You're not ready to let go of dieting or other forms of food restriction
You're mostly looking for a health plan
You don't really want to get into the beneath the surface stuff of food and body
The program IS possibly for you if...
You still have desires to lose weight, but you're not actively pursuing it
You're curious to learn more about living life without pursuing weight loss
You still feel that restricting foods is the way to better health, but you're ready to do health differently
All these feelings and desires are OK. But the active pursuit of them will make intuitive eating coaching difficult since IE is based on a weight-neutral philosophy.