What is Intuitive Drinking?
There isn't an official definition; however, I define it as having a respectful and mindful relationship to alcohol that puts your emotional and mental well-being at the forefront, respects your physical body, and honours your authenticity.
Intuitive Drinking isn't just about drinking, it's also about connecting a little deeper with yourself and understanding that drinking is a learned habit. Intuitive Drinking isn't defined by numbers. Some may choose not to drink at all, and others may choose to drink occasionally, or even regularly, but the drinking experience is mindful and respectful to self and others.
You consider yourself healthy, yet you still drink... sometimes a lot!
Taking time off drinking feels like the only solution
It's hard to say No! when someone wants to top you up or offers you a drink
"How much did I drink last night?" is a question you often ask yourself when waking up in the morning, especially on the weekend.
You beat yourself up for drinking despite knowing that it makes you feel shitty afterwards
You know you don't have a serious drinking problem but question your drinking habits often
You wish you were someone who could 'leave or take' alcohol

What if you could...?
Stop the back and forth thoughts about drinking or not drinking tonight
Swap your love-hate relationship with alcohol to one of enjoyment
Put an end to the drink --> guilt --> regret cycle
Find a different way to feel good and have fun
Feel satisfied with less alcohol
Think less about drinking
Stop feeling like you're missing out on fun
Be at peace with yourself and your drinking
Stop feeling like alcohol controls you and start actually feeling in control of alcohol
Read my blog "Drink Less with Intuitive Drinking"
Change the way you think and feel about drinking...
There's nothing wrong with you
Drinking is learned
Drinking is a habit
Drinking is rewarding
And your brain loves rewards
Learn to challenge your drinking thoughts
And go out and play!
And don't forget, alcohol is a potent substance. It's no joke. So please don't beat yourself up for having a hard time drinking less.

Learn to drink less with curiosity, self-compassion, and a gentle coach who totally gets it!
Intuitive Drinking Coaching

Ready to start drinking less?
Click here for coaching packages
Time for Less Wine!
Time for Less Wine is a 6 week 1:1 program for women who want to start drinking less. Using a cognitive behavioural coaching technique rooted in curiosity and compassion, Time for Less Wine will help you reflect on and gain a deeper understanding into your drinking habit. The coaching centres around you, your feelings, and desires in life.
All prices in Canadian dollars